Boeing Took A Major Step Forward In The Production Of Unmanned Electric Passenger Aircraft

The Boeing giant bought the Aurora Flight Sciences company, focused on the development of autonomous electric aircraft. The move confirms Boeing's commitment to realizing his first unmanned commercial passenger vehicle in reality.

Aurora received a significant number of awards in 2016, when the Agency for Advanced Research Projects awarded a contract for the construction of a landing and take-off aircraft (VTOL) X-Plane. Uber also hired the firm to help build their flying fees.

This merger will allow to combine the expertise of a proven autonomous manufacturer of electric aircraft that has built and driven more than 30 vehicles without pilots in their 20 years of existence and the Boeing giant that has invested in aeronautics for more than a century. Such a combination can lead to the first fully autonomous electric aircraft.

The development of flying vehicles is likely to continue to move up, especially now that Boeing is announced as a sponsor of a $ 2 million match for delivery to the next generation of flying machines.

Airbus, another aviation giant, also works on VTOL taxi, which could fly next year, which means that we will not wait for a long period when personal transportation will "swing in the sky."


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