"Exo Life" will be the most advanced telescope to explore life on other planets

A new revolutionary telescope that will reduce the cost of studying the exoplanets is in the making, but more resources are needed for scientists to reach the set goal.

The "The PLANETS Foundation" creates a telescope that can explore planets at a distance of 24 light-years, reveal the signs of life and provide an overview of the oceans and continents.

So far, we have only been able to assess the likelihood of presence of oceans and continents, and it is still hypothetical.

This telescope far exceeds the aspirations of other telescopes to explore distant planets and can lead to a quest for life away from everyone else.

Once built, the first task of the Exo Life telescope will be to explore Proxima B, an exoplanet in the star proximate Centauri system, discovered last year by the European Space Observatory and other star systems, Alpha Centaurus A and B, to find planets similar to Earth.

"Exo Life" is not the first telescope to work with "The PLANETS Foundation".
They worked on the telescope "Kolos", which will be the largest optical and infrared telescope in the world designed to reveal extrasolar and extraterrestrial life, and here is the Planet Telescope, designed to study weakly visible environments, such as the atmosphere of bright extrasolar planets, bio - signatures of planets that would be potential for life and exo-atmospheres of planets in our solar system.

The campaign for collecting funds for the preparation of "Eglo Life" will end in 19 days. When the required amount is met, the telescope will be grown in the Desert Atacama in Chile, along with "Colossus". The Planets telescope, on the other hand, will be built on the top of the Haleakala Volcano in Maui, Hawaii.


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