Apps For More Organized Project-Based Learning


Project-Based Learning, by definition, is flexible.
It encourages learner-centeredness, provides the possibility of more authentic work, and
allows learners to self-manage and self-direct in places they used to have their hands held.
 But this has its drawbacks. Learning is a capacity-building endeavor that seeks to, well,
 build capacity will ironically depending on that same capacity to progress,
There are a variety of ways to support students in project-based learning, including
organized digital learning spaces that support creative thinking, collaboration, and ultimately
 project management. Below are 10 apps for more organized project-based learning.
1. App: OmniFocus
Platform: iOS
How It Can Help: Pure overkill for most classrooms, but if an extremely powerful
productivity and project management is what you need and you’ve got a $50 iTunes card
 burning a hole in your pocket, this could be just what the doctor ordered. Voice notes,
 image attachment, location awareness, integrated task and calendar views, and dozens of
 more powerful features making this the GTD app to have–and worth the $40 price tag.
(As opposed to languishing in productivity mediocrity for years and spending $40 on ten
different bland apps than $40 on one super app.)
2. App: GoodReader
Platform: iOS
How It Can Help: By enabling the reading and subsequent annotation of almost any
file-type for research, collaboration, and content curation.
3. App: Any.DO To-do List & Task List
Platform: Android & iOS
How It Can Help:
4. App: Penultimate
Platform: iOS
How It Can Help: Handwritten diagrams, charts, and other notes that are easily kept,
shared, and integrated cleanly with Evernote.
5. App: Evernote
Platform: Android & iOS
How It Can Help: Speaking of Evernote, the powerful app with the green icon is the 
perfect organization tool. Set up folders by project or group, curate images, videos, audio
 notes, web pages, or text files, send notes and other files by email, and use as a document
 creator in a pinch, Evernote just might be the one tool you can’t live without.
6. App: Edmodo
Platform: Android & iOS
How It Can Help: Edmodo can be used to “send notes, submit assignments, post replies,
 and check messages and upcoming events while away from the classroom.” Edmodo also
has the ability to add apps to improve function as well.
7. App: Schoology
Platform: Android & iOS
How It Can Help: How this can help PBL depends on what kind of PBL you’re talking
about, but in general any learning management system or digital “home base” like
Schoology and Edmodo can help, though the help in this one is more for the teachers than
 the students.
8. App: Index Card
Platform: iOS
How It Can Help: “Capture, organize, and share your ideas via color-coded index cards.”
 Sounds like the basis for organized PBL to us.
9. App: Google+
Platform: Android & iOS
How It Can Help: Students can exchange messages, brainstorm ideas, share files, and
even setup private communities to complete group work, etc.
10. App: YouTube
Platform: Android; accessible through Safari web browser since Apple pulled the plug on
 the app


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