What Would Life Be Like In The Next 100 Years

What Would Life Be Like
Predicting the future is not easy, while some things seem far-fetched today, they could most definitely exist in the future. Think about it, if 100 years ago someone would say that one day we will land on the moon people would call him crazy so it is really that weird to think that 50 years from now we could load our brains to a machine and live forever? Check out the list below of 10 things that will probably be a reality in the next few decades:

1: Man and machines will merge

Transhumanism is aiming to transform the human condition by creating sophisticated technologies that will improve the human body and mind. Dmitry Itskov is the founder of  which plans to change our lives by the year 2045. here is a general idea of what will happen in the not so distant future:

2015 – 2020
Affordable Android ” Avatars ” that will be controlled by a ” Brain Computer ” . These little things together with various related technologies will give humans the ability to work in dangerous environments, conduct rescue missions with ease or travel in extreme weather conditions and more. The avatar components will also be used in medicine to help rehabilitate partially or fully disabled patients, giving them prosthetic limbs or help recover their lost senses.
2020 – 2025
Autonomous life-support system for the human brain linked to a robot ” avatar “. This will help people who have lost their bodies but their brain is still intact, they will be able to perform daily functions. This new technology will create a whole new IT revolution and the creation of hybrid bio-electronic devices.
2030 – 2035
Creation of a computer model of the human brain and consciousness, you will be able to transfer your entire brain and conscious to a computer. This will truly change the world and will not only give everyone a chance at cybernetic immortality but it will also create a friendly artificial intelligence. A person would be able to restore or modify their brain multiple times as if you are changing a CD on your PC.
Substance independent minds will receive new bodies with capacities that exceeds those of an ordinary human. A new era of humanity will arrive!

2: Custom made medicine – genetic code
Your complete genetic code will be analyzed and you will get custom made medicine that fits just you and your body, doctors will be able to analyze your own personal genome and tell you what’s your risk factors and build special therapies just for you. A little bit further in the future we will have nano bots that will live inside our bodies and perform necessary procedures to keep us healthy

3: Internet of things

As technology advances, it is inevitable that also everything around us will be connected. Here are a few examples of how your daily life will change once the Internet of Things will be implemented everywhere: Your refrigerator will know exactly what’s inside and will order by itself new groceries when needed.
The carpet or floors will detect intruders or call for help if you’re hurt.
Censors in your yard will tell you which part you need to fertilise.
Your house will track and analyze your electric consumption and automatically change your consumption to help you save.
Your house will learn your cooling or heating preferences and will adjust it as you enter each room.
Wearable items will help you through your daily routine: Your shoes will know if you need more exercise, your glasses will be able to conduct calls and browse the internet. pretty much everywhere you go will be connected.

4: AI robots

We are already seeing this happening now, just a simple example of a robot you gladly bought for your home is the Vacuum cleaner robot that cleans your floors, although still not with an advanced AI, this is the the first of its kind to “understand ” its surrounding and adopt and act. Of course Robots have been around for a long time, but it is now that we are seeing a major shift in how we humans think of them, or it, see, even I sometimes refer to a robot as him. In the not so distant future we will own robots like we raise pets, they will take care of all our house chores, cleaning, making food, take the dog out for a walk and much more. People who live alone could find companionship with a friendly robot, this is closer to a reality than you think.

5: Autonomic transportation

This is a cool change that will happen, your car will be completely independent, you will just need to get in, sit back and it will take you whenever you need to go, it will learn your daily routine so it will know that from Monday till Friday it will drive you to work at 7:00 then drive to school at noon to take your kids home, then maybe on to some deliveries before waiting for you back at the office to pick you up at night back home.
Obviously the car will be connected to the lights, to other cars on the road so everything will work as smoothly as possible. Same with public transportation that will be cheaper and much more efficient

6: Self healing houses and bridges

Imagine roads or bridges or even your house that can repair itself every time it gets a new crack or damage. Well this is already a reality and will be widely used in the coming years. It is calledBioconcrete and it was invented by the microbiologist Hendrik Jonker, the idea came to him when thinking about how the body can heal bones through mineralization, he tried to find a similar way of doing this on concrete. he found that by mixing it with limestone-producing bacteria any crack on the concrete would be patched over. The bacteria is called Bacillus Pseudofirmus and it can be found naturally in highly alkaline lakes near volcanoes. The bacteria can survive for up to 200 years without any oxygen or food. When they come into contact with water they use the calcium lactate as a food source and produce limestone that as a result, close up the cracks.

7: Vaccine to end drug addictions

One of the biggest problems could go away with the right medicine, one thing you might not know about the human immune system is that it supremely adept at detecting and neutralizing foreign substances. So let’s try and use this concept to train it to target illicit ones, sounds like a great idea right? It’s called   and the way it works is by persuading the body to produce antibodies that shut down drug molecules before they get to the brain. This concept actually works in mice, and human trials are under way.

8: Synthetic food

It’s a known fact that the world meat market is having some difficulties, whether it’s healthy for you or not it’s clear that in the future we will kill less animals to obtain our meat cravings and nutrition. The solution? It’s called nutritious, a low cost substitute that looks just like meat and tastes like the real thing. It is the future of meat and Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has already invested in, a company that makes plant-based chicken stripes that will fool almost anyone. Another solution that is taking flight in recent years that will surely be widely used in the future is growing meat, even today we have the technology to grow meat in a lab and it’s only a matter of time before you could buy a juicy steak in the supermarket that was grown in a lab somewhere.

9: Direct evidence of dark matter

We haven’t really confirmed that black matter exist, but it may account for 23 percent of the mass in the universe. Dr Fred Calef of the Mars Science Laboratory says ” It’s like a hidden magnet. You can see what it pulls but can’t see the source “. According to Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku we will prove the existence of black holes in the next 15 years and as a result unlock the origins of our universe, or maybe even open a door to a new one? Whoa!

10: We will have a colony on mars

It’s reasonable to believe that as we develop as a species we will send 3D printers to other planets to print out habitats for humans prior to our arrival.


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