This is going to be amazing for people that love to customize their gadgets.
Google’s Project Ara is about more than just modular phones four people from the Project Ara team at Google I/O to extract as much information as I could about the mission to actually launch a modular phone. So I rattled off as many questions as I could at a rat-a-tat pace, and the Ara team had answers for nearly all of them. Not every answer will please the people who have been waiting for this modular phone for several years now, but nearly all of them make sense from a business perspective. If there's one thing I took away from my time, it's this: the goal is to turn Ara into a real business inside Google. And if Google can pull off the phone business, it will want to expand the Ara module ecosystem into other areas, too. Ara is going to be the first ever phone that Google is making itself (it has already made laptops and a tablet, among other things). And even though what I saw last week was just a prototype, it was working well enough that I believe ...